Bargaining Update #6

Bargaining Update #6

The Staff Union Bargaining committee has met with CWA for 12 bargaining sessions.  We continue to make progress at every session.  The current items that are open are as follows:

Temporary Staff - This article is part of a package proposal on the issues regarding SIF/Growth Fund issues and relates to the issue of a path to permanency.  We are close to an agreement on these issues.

Layoff - We have an outstanding proposal in this article related to job security.

Definitions - This will be a new article. Minor Language issues outstanding

Pension & 401(k) - We continue to have dialogue about making improvements to Pension/401(k).

Healthcare & Dental - We successfully fought off an increase in healthcare.  We have an agreement in principle to keep healthcare ‘as is’ and make a small improvement to the dental plan related to dental implants.

Transportation - We are in agreement in principle to modest improvements on the allowance and mileage.  There are still outstanding issues related to the staff car.

Duration - The Union has proposed a 3 year contract.

Wages - A fair wage increase continues to be a main priority. We are currently spending the bulk of our discussions to ensure that we leave no money on the table.


Mobilization Update

Thank you to the mobilization committee and to all of you for your support and participation with mobilization activities. We see you and we know CWA sees you, too. This is evidenced by the movement at the table. We are very close to a fair deal that we hope to be able to present to you all, very soon.

Here are 3 things you can do now to show your solidarity with the CWA Staff Union

  1. Update your profile pic on your CWA Google account with our Staff Union logo

  2. Add the logo image to your email signature line and include a statement of support, ex. “Proud Member of the CWA Staff Union”

  3. Update your Zoom account

Stay vigilant and stay mobilized!  

Contract Expiration

We have gotten some questions about what happens if we do not have a contract at expiration.  If a contract expires before the next contract is in place, almost all the terms of the expired contract continue while the parties bargain (the exception being union security and arbitration provisions).

The next bargaining sessions are 9/29 and 9/30 via zoom.



Tentative Agreement Reached!


Bargaining Update #5