2024 Scally Scholarship Application
The John Scally Scholarship Fund was established in March 1998, by the CWA Staff Union Executive Board to honor the name and memory of John Scally who served CWA members in many capacities including CWA Staff Union President. Throughout his life, John Scally devoted his time and energy to programs that had a positive social impact. Therefore, it is appropriate that the CWA Staff Union established these scholarships to encourage students to prepare for careers that have a similar impact.
The John Scally Scholarship Fund will award fifteen scholarships in the amount of $4,000 each for the 2024-2025 academic year. Funds are paid directly to the educational institutions. These scholarships are to assist students who are accepted or enrolled in an accredited college or university and enrolled in programs in American Studies, Behavioral Sciences, Communication, Community Development, Community Health, Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, Education, English, History, Human Ecology, Human Resources, Humanities, Labor and Industrial Relations, Liberal Studies, Life Sciences, Natural Resources, Nutritional Sciences, Philosophy, Political Science, Public Administration, Public Health, Public Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Urban Planning and Development, and Urban Studies.
CWA Staff Union members, their family members, and other candidates sponsored by a Staff Union Member are eligible. The only requirement for being sponsored is there must be a family/step-family relationship to the Staff Union member. Applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than June 21st, 2024. Applications should be mailed to IUE-CWA Headquarters, Attn: John Scally Scholarship Fund ℅ Matt Clark, 2701 Dryden Rd, Moraine, OH 45439. Candidates can also submit an application via email to Matt Clark (please put “2024 Scally Scholarship Application” in subject line). Winners are chosen by lottery, which will be held on June 28th, 2024.