2021 Proposed Constitutional Amendments
Earlier this year, the Staff Union reconvened a constitution committee to review the constitution. The committee consisted of the following members:
Erin Spaulding, Chair, Staff Representative
Mike Garry, D1 Staff Representative
Richard Hatch, D2/13 Staff Representative
Grant Welch, D3 Campaign Lead
Tony Shaffer, D6 Staff Representative
Enida Shuku, D7 Senior Campaign Lead
Emma Kinema, D9 Campaign Lead
Donna Porter-Jones, IUE Campaign Lead
The committee reviewed the constitution to evaluate for any changes needed. The following six proposals will be put forward to the membership for an online vote via Election Buddy:
Proposal #1: Remove references to the Alliance in Articles 5, 7 & 9.
Proposal #2: Effective in the 2023 Election Cycle, change the IUE-CWA Board members to At-Large Positions instead of the prior practice of electing by IUE regions.
Proposal #3: Remove gendered language and replace with gender neutral language.
Proposal #4: Add option to nominate officers and representatives via e-mail.
Proposal #5: Add the At-Large SIF/Growth Fund Executive Board Member to the Bargaining Committee.
Proposal #6: Modifications to Article XIV – Recall and Trial Procedure Language. Add recall for stewards and clarify recall process for Executive Board.
For complete details of the changes please visit here: 2021 Proposed Constitutional Changes
The above six proposals are recommended by the Constitution Committee and the Staff Union Executive Board. Voting will begin on June 1, 2021 and the polls will be open for two weeks. Voting instructions will be sent to your personal email address on file with the Staff Union.
Any questions about the changes can be directed to any member of the Constitution Committee, a Staff Union Executive Board member or via email at cwastaffunion@gmail.com.